3. Blueprint

The package ‘yapyutils’ provides some basic wrapper for Python related functions which vary over the syntax releases as well as the implementations. The interfaces are meant to cover the incompatibilities in advance of the upper layers. These functions are loaceted within teh software stack at the language level, but above the features supported by thw common libararies such as __future__ or six / future.utils.

3.1. yapyutils.conf

The subpackage yapyutils.conf provides configuration setups by abstraction. The package utilizes yapyutils.data for the access to configuration data, which is represented within the runtime memory by a JSON structure. The data could be transparently loaded - without required syntax extensions * and processed based on the canonical data format. The data coudl be loaded from mixed formats, e.g. when continously evolving and migrating from legacy systems to modern IT landscapes.

3.2. yapyutils.files

Provides support for explicit search of files. This covers all supported platforms and implementations - Python2.7, (Python3), and Python3.5+ / CPython, IPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy. See Platform Support.

file_name, file_path = get_filelocation(file_name)

A more advanced search:

basename = "/my/path/"
relpaths = ["sub/path0", "sub/path1"]

import_name, module_file_path = get_modulelocation(module_name, basename, relpaths)

loaded_module = load_module(import_name, module_file_path)

# imports and inserts into sys.modules


See also modules.loader and “Howto Load Modules on Multiple Python Platforms”.

3.3. yapyutils.modules

Provides support for explicit import of modules as files. This covers all supported platforms and implementations - Python2.7, (Python3), and Python3.5+ / CPython, IPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy. See Platform Support.

import_name, module_file_path = get_modulelocation(module_name)

load_module(module_name, module_file_path)

# imports and inserts into sys.modules


A more advanced search:

basename = "/my/path/"
relpaths = ["sub/path0", "sub/path1"]

import_name, module_file_path = get_modulelocation(module_name, basename, relpaths)

loaded_module = load_module(import_name, module_file_path)

# imports and inserts into sys.modules


See also modules.loader and “Howto Load Modules on Multiple Python Platforms”.

3.4. yapyutils.releases

The subpackage yapyutils.releases supports the normalization of version formats - on all supported platforms. This e.g. naming conventions of setup files and platform dependent loadable packages in physical and virtual environments could be easily implemented.