5.3. yapyutils.config.capabilities

5.3.1. Module

yapyutils.config.capabilities provides simple hierarchical configuration file utils based on in-memory JSON representation. This includes nested and chained configuration data branches.

The provided features are designed to provide some powerful features of structured configuration based on basic standard libraries, thus providing advanced setup support utilities for components of the lower software stack.

The higher layer software components should prefer more versatile and powerful libraries such as multiconf.

The package multiconf provides tools for the conversion of various data formats into JSON. This could be used to apply e.g. data type definitions supporting inline comments - which JSON lacks.

5.3.2. Capability

class yapyutils.config.capabilities.Capability(data={})[source]

Provides JSON based read-only configuration of capabilities. This in particular comprises the priority based readout of values and defaults. The structure hereby includes specialization by subcomponents, where the missing value will be tried from the more general enclosing super component.

The access to structured data trees offers various method to access paths of nested node attributes. This comprises the creation as well as the readout.

The following equivalent creation methods are supported, where ‘treenode’ could be either the root node, or any subordinated branch:

treenode['subnode0']['subnode1']['subnode7'] = value  # dynamic items

value = treenode(
            'subnode0', 'subnode1', 'subnode7',
        )  # dynamic items by '__call__'

value = treenode.subnode0.subnode1.subnode7           # static attribute addressing style

The following equivalent readout methods are supported, where ‘treenode’ could be either the root node, or any subordinated branch:

value = treenode['subnode0']['subnode1']['subnode7']  # dynamic items
value = treenode('subnode0', 'subnode1', 'subnode7')  # dynamic items by '__call__'
value = treenode.subnode0.subnode1.subnode7           # static attribute addressing style __init__



Configuration data:

data := (
    <dict>             # in-memory JSON structure
    <file-path-name>   # persistent JSON data


None / initialized object

Raises __call__

Capability.__call__(*subpath, **kargs)[source]

Readout the value of a node, or an attribute. The name binding of the path is provided as a tuple of path items.

  • subpath

    The list of keys constituting a branch of a data tree. The subpath is treated as a branch of one of the nodes of a provided searchpath - which is by default the top node. The supported values are:

    subpath := <list-of-node-ids>
    <list-of-node-ids> := <node-id> [',' <list-of-node-ids>]
    node-id := (
          str            # strings as keys - objects/dict only
        | int            # integers as index - lists only
        | tuple | list   # set as choice of valid literal path items
        | <regexpr>
    regexpr := <compiled-python-regular-expression>
    compiled-python-regular-expression := re.compile(<regexpr>)
    regexpr := "regular expression"

  • kargs


    Optional search path for the match of the provided address subpath. The provided subpath is applied to each node of the searchpath in accordance to the direction option. This provides the search and enumeration of side branches:

    searchpath := <path-item-list>
    path-item-list := <path-item> [, <path-item-list>]
    path-item := (
          str  # item name
        | int  # item index
    default := <top-node>

    The search path entries has to be actually present by default. These could be either created by loading a complete tree structure, or by using the Capabilities.create() member. See also parameter ‘strict’.


    The search direction of the subpath within the searchpath. In case of multiple superpositioned attributes the first traversed match.

    The provided values are:

    direction := (
          up   | 0  | False # search from right-to-left
        | down | 1  | True  # search from left-to-right
    default:= up

    Sets the match criteria for the search operation. Interferes with direction:

    match := (
          M_FIRST | 'first'   # use first matching node
        | M_LAST  | 'last'    # use last matching node
        | M_ALL   | 'all'     # use all - iterate all matches
    default := M_FIRST

    Enables the return of partial sub paths in case the requested path is not completely present.

    partial := (
          True   # when not completely present, the longest
                 # existing part is returned, the completeness
                 # is provided by the result attribute <partial>
        | False  # when not completely present an exception
                 # is raised

    Controls the required consistency. This comprises:

    1. the presence of the search path entries

    2. the presence of the requested subpath within the set of search paths


In case of a match returns the tuple:

return := (<attr-value-path>, <attr-value>, <partial>)

attr-value-path := (
      "the list of keys of the top-down path"
    | "empty list when no item exists"        # see <complete>
attr-value := "value of the targeted node/attribute"
partial := (
      False   # the complete requested path
    | True    # the actually present part of the path

Else raises YapyUtilsCapabilityOidError.

Raises __getattr__




Raises: __getitem__


Gets the value of the path within the data.



The value of the node within data:

key := (
    | <list-of-keys>
    | <tuple-of-keys>


The value of the addressed node/value.


pass-through __setitem__

Capability.__setitem__(key, val)[source]

Sets the value of the path within the data.

  • key

    The value of the node within data:

    key := (
        | <list-of-keys>
        | <tuple-of-keys>

  • val

    The node/value to be set at the addressed path. Non present values are created, present are replaced.


    In case of lists the value of the key for a non-present value has to be the increment of the highest present key. Sparse lists are not supported.


The value of the addressed node/value.


pass-through __setattr__

Capability.__setattr__(name, value)[source]

Validates types of own data attributes.

  • name

    Name of the attribute. Following are reserved and treated special:

    • type: str - ‘data’ The value is treated as the replacement of the internal data attribute. Replaces or creates the complete data of teh current instance.

  • value – The value of the attribute. This by default superposes present values by replacement. Non-present are created.



YapyUtilsCapabilityError addfile

Capability.addfile(fpname, key=None, node=None, **kargs)[source]

Superposes a configuration file to the existing entries. Updates and creates granular items. The a applied traversing algorithm is:

1. create non-existing branches and leafs
2. replace existing leafs
3. traverse existing leafs for new branches and existing leafs
  • fpname – see readfile()

  • key – see readfile()

  • node – see readfile()

  • kargs


    see readfile()


    see readfile()


    see readfile()


Reference to updated data structure.

Raises create

Capability.create(*subpath, **kargs)[source]

Creates a subpath to a given node, default is from top.

  • subpath

    The list of keys constituting a branch of a data tree. The subpath is treated as a branch of one of the nodes of a provided searchpath - which is by default the top node. The supported values are:

    subpath := <list-of-node-ids>
    <list-of-node-ids> := <node-id> [',' <list-of-node-ids>]
    node-id := (
          str            # strings as keys - objects/dict only
        | int            # integers as index - lists only
        | tuple | list   # set as choice of valid literal path items
        | <regexpr>
    regexpr := <compiled-python-regular-expression>
    compiled-python-regular-expression := re.compile(<regexpr>)
    regexpr := "regular expression"

  • kargs


    Optional node as parent of the insertion point for the new sub path. The node must exist.

    hook := (

    search path for the match of the provided address subpath. The provided subpath is applied to each node of the searchpath in accordance to the direction option.

    Default := <top-node>


    Create missing entities of the requested path. The provided value is the value of the final node:

    create := <value-of-node>
    value-of-node := <valid-json-node-type>
    valid-json-node-type := (
                          int | float
                        | str                  # unicode
                        | dict | list
                        | None | True | False  # equivalent: null|true|false
    default := None

    The search direction of the subpath within the searchpath. In case of multiple superpositioning attributes the first match of traversion.

    The provided values are:

    direction := (
          up   | 0  | False # search from right-to-left
        | down | 1  | True  # search from left-to-right

    Default:= up


    Sets the match criteria for the search operation. Interferes with direction:

    match := (
          M_FIRST   # use first matching node
        | M_LAST    # use last matching node
        | M_ALL     # use all - iterate all matches
    default :=


In case of a match returns the tuple:

return := (<attr-value-path>, <attr-value>)

attr-value-path := "the list of keys of the top-down path"
attr-value := "value in accordance to the type of the attribute"

Else raises YapyUtilsCapabilityOidError.

Raises get


Gets a value from data.



Raises: readfile

Capability.readfile(fpname, key=None, node=None, **kargs)[source]

Reads a JSON file. This is a simple basic method for the application on the lower layers of the software stack. It is designed for minimal dependencies. The used standard libraries support the syntaxes:

INI, JSON, .properties, XML, YAML

The data is by not validated. If this is required external higher layer tools such as multiconf could be applied.

The readfile() simply replaces existing configuration data, for the iterative update see addfile().

  • fpname

    File path name of the configuration file. Alternate relative names could be provided, where optionally additional parameters are used for search and file suffixes, see other parameters:


  • key

    The key for the insertion point:

    node[key] = <file-data>
    default := None - replace self.data,

    The caller is responsible for the containment of the provided node within the data structure represented by this object. No checks are performed.

  • node

    The node for the insertion of the read data.:

    default := <top>

  • kargs


    Prohibit insertion to self.data, returns the data reference only.

    default := False

    Alternate list of search paths:

    path := <list-of-search-paths>
    list-of-search-paths := <spath> [, <list-of-search-paths>]
    spath := "path-prefix"

    A special option for XML files. When True suppresses the mandatory named root node of XML. Thus provides a similar result as JSON for better merge and internal processing. Other parsers simply ignore this option.


    Suffixes as preferences for configuration file type:

    suffixes := '[' <list-of-preferences> ']'
    list-of-preferences := <pref> [, <list-of-preferences>]
    pref := (     # the order defines the search and usage priority
        | 'json'
        | 'xml'
        | 'inix'
        | 'ini'
        | 'cfg'
        | 'properties'


Reference to read data structure.


5.3.3. Exceptions

exception yapyutils.config.capabilities.YapyUtilsCapabilityError[source]

Common access error.

exception yapyutils.config.capabilities.YapyUtilsCapabilityOidError[source]

Requested object name is not present.